How Being Unconventional Can Advance Your Career
Would you ever wear red sneakers to the office? A Harvard Research study* found that dressing differently can sometimes help people get ahead. It also raises larger questions about how conformity affects our wellbeing. Did Zuckerberg come to mind? Steve Jobs? Kayne West, or Kim Kardashian?

Daily Self-Authenticity Check List
Being authentic means coming from a real place within. It is when our actions and words are congruent with our beliefs and values. It is being ourselves, not an imitation of what we think we should be or have been told we should be.

Know the Difference Between Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence
People often confuse and interchange these two terms. Many assume they are simply just two different words for the same thing, but this is not true. You can have a lot of self-esteem and minimal self-confidence. The opposite is also true.